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Incidentes con la prensa local
Incidentes con la prensa local Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Incidentes con la prensa local

Conferencia de Prensa Justin Bieber
Conferencia de Prensa Justin Bieber Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Conferencia de prensa de Justin Bieber en México el 1 de Octubre del 2011 en el Foro Sol

El Reportero: ¿Cuántos periodistas más morirán en Mexico?
El Reportero: ¿Cuántos periodistas más morirán en Mexico? Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Continúa la agresión en Venezuela hacia los periodistas
Continúa la agresión en Venezuela hacia los periodistas Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Maria Alesia Sosa

Confirman condena contra periodistas de Reuters en Birmania
Confirman condena contra periodistas de Reuters en Birmania Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

<br /> Dos periodistas birmanos de Reuters, que investigaban una masacre de musulmanes rohinyás por parte del ejército, fueron condenados el viernes en apelación a siete años de cárcel.<br />

Berlusconi deja solo a Zapatero ante los periodistas
Berlusconi deja solo a Zapatero ante los periodistas Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

<p>El primer ministro italiano, Silvio Berlusconi, dejó solo ante las preguntas de los periodistas al presidente del Gobierno español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, tras comparecer con él y despedirse; comentando que le saludaba "como se saluda a un santo" que está en "gracia absoluta".</p>

Llegan a España los periodistas liberados en Siria
Llegan a España los periodistas liberados en Siria Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Este domingo han llegado a la base aérea de Torrejón de Ardoz los tres periodistas españoles Antonio Pampliega, José Manuel López y Ángel Sastre, secuestrados en Siria desde julio del año pasado, según ha informado el Gobierno.

Reportaron a periodistas desaparecidos en el noreste colombiano
Reportaron a periodistas desaparecidos en el noreste colombiano Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Reportaron a periodistas desaparecidos en el noreste colombiano

Verano en pandemia. Uruguay pone en duda el ingreso de los argentinos para las vacaciones
Verano en pandemia. Uruguay pone en duda el ingreso de los argentinos para las vacaciones Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Verano en pandemia. Uruguay pone en duda el ingreso de argentinos para las vacaciones. Entrevista a Remo Monzeglio, viceministro de Turismo de Uruguay.

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Poesia Acústica - Uruguay - Xamã | Knust | Chris | Cesar Mc (EP Júpiter Dayane)
Poesia Acústica - Uruguay - Xamã | Knust | Chris | Cesar Mc (EP Júpiter Dayane) Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Uma realização Pineapple Supply e Brainstorm Estúdio.

Edição especial do projeto Poesia Acústica feita especialmente para encerrar o EP JÚPITER DAYANE, gravado em varias cidades No Uruguay com participação de Cesar Mc, Xamã, Chris e Knust.

Música - Poesia Acústica - Uruguay
Letra - Xamã, Knust, Chris, Cesar Mc
Produção Musical - Malak
Mix/Master - Drakoz

Produção Executiva - Paulo Alvarez | @pauloalvarezz

Direção Criativa: Guilherme Brehm
Direção de cena/Fotografia: Guilherme Brehm | Gabriel Solano
Assist. Direção: Gabriel César
Operador de Camera: Gabriel Solano | TNV’MOB
Drone: TNV'MOB
Design: Iann Tomé
Edição/Finalização: Gabriel César e GBϟLAB
VFX: Brendon Bravo


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Seba Beltrame trajo la vacuna del covid a Uruguay:
Seba Beltrame trajo la vacuna del covid a Uruguay: Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

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Uruguay, el destino deseado: crecen los pedidos de argentinos para irse a vivir al país vecino
Uruguay, el destino deseado: crecen los pedidos de argentinos para irse a vivir al país vecino Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

La situación que atraviesa el país en medio de la pandemia provocó que muchos argentinos quieran irse. Por proximidad, idioma y bajos requisitos para obtener la residencia la opción más elegida se convirtió en Uruguay.

Desde el inicio de la cuarentena, 24.759 ciudadanos cruzaron a la otra orilla con el objetivo de buscar un cambio de vida.

Fragmento de "TN Central", emitido el miércoles 16 de septiembre del 2020.

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La disputa entre dos gigantes de Sudamérica que dio lugar a Uruguay (y qué papel jugó Reino Unido)
La disputa entre dos gigantes de Sudamérica que dio lugar a Uruguay (y qué papel jugó Reino Unido) Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

#BBCMundo #Uruguay
A diferencia de muchos países de América Latina, Uruguay surgió como Estado independiente tras una mediación diplomática que puso fin a la disputa por su territorio de dos gigantes: las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata y el imperio de Brasil. Y lo que conocemos hoy como Uruguay primero fue la Banda Oriental durante la época colonial y luego la Provincia Oriental, después de la independencia de España. Un territorio en disputa que llevó incluso a una guerra.
El 25 de agosto de 1825 la Sala de Representantes, reunida en la Florida, proclamó la Declaratoria de la Independencia de la Provincia Oriental de todo poder extranjero y la unión a las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata. Pero aún quedaba un largo camino y hasta una mediación extranjera para convertirse en un estado soberano tras la Declaración Preliminar de paz en 1828. En este video hablamos del singular origen de Uruguay.

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Presentación, investigación y guion: Ana María Roura - Edición de video: Agustina Latourrette - Editora: Natalia Pianzola

Fuentes consultadas: Un simple ciudadano, José Artigas. Museo Histórico Nacional de Uruguay; La misión Ponsonby I: La diplomacia Británica y la independencia de Uruguay, Luis Alberto de Herrera; Gaceta de Madrid 1828; Ponsonby y la emancipación de un pueblo "impetuoso y salvaje" Miguel Arregui; La Convención preliminar de paz: Contenidos Ceibal; Jura de la Constitución. Uruguay educa.

● Investigación, guion y presentación: Ana María Roura
● Edición de video: Agustina Latourrette
● Editoras: Carolina Robino, Natalia Pianzola


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The Lost World - Caracas
The Lost World - Caracas Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Caracas is a city with a population over three million, crammed into a valley in northern Venezuela. Over 2000-2010, Venezuela's oil revenues did not compensate for mismanagement of the city. The city's infrastructure deteriorated and Caracas residents are increasingly entrenched in slum areas. As of 2011, there was still no clear plan regarding how crime, poverty and severe traffic problems could be eradicated from the city.

The city of Caracas receives preferential treatment in Venezuela's economy, as Venezuela's oil-generated revenues are used to subsidise the city's development. Caracas' population growth is driven entirely by natural increase, as the city is too packed to accommodate further immigration. Housing in Caracas accounts for a relatively small share of the household budget but for damaging reasons. The majority of dwellings in the city are located in the slum areas, which are cheap.

Photo Albums

The video highlights some of the popular landmark attractions. The trip took place in November 2013, before the early 2014 riots, protests, deaths that is currently happening not just in Caracas, but in multiple cities in Venezuela. Places that I've visited in the city, will never look the same.

Photography and Filming Equipment:
5D mark II,
16-35mm 2.8L lens
24-70mm 2.8L lens
4 batteries
3 32 gig, and 1 16 gig memory card
200 gig external harddrive
Gorillapod SLR-zoom
card reader

Edited with Final Cut Pro X
Tour with G Adventures
Music by Chris Zabriskie -

How Risky Is the Classroom With Covid-19 Controls in Place? | WSJ
How Risky Is the Classroom With Covid-19 Controls in Place? | WSJ Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

A year into the coronavirus pandemic, many schools are only partially open for fear they could fuel the spread of the virus. Experts explain what the actual risks are for spreading Covid-19 in schools and how proper controls can change that equation. Illustration: Preston Jessee for The Wall Street Journal

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How can Cosmetic Dentistry change your life : Dr. Sam Gupta
How can Cosmetic Dentistry change your life : Dr. Sam Gupta Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

The look of your teeth can be changed in different ways. Dr. Sam Gupta explains different treatments can be used to improve your teeth. Some of the ways are using Crowns, Veneers, Invisalign, and whitening.

To know more about how to improve your smile, call Dr. Sam Gupta today!

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Smile Makeover - Cosmetic Dentistry (Chico, CA) - Kremer Dental Care
Smile Makeover - Cosmetic Dentistry (Chico, CA) - Kremer Dental Care Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Crowns & Veneers - Many people experience a cracked or broken tooth in their lifetime. In most cases, a dental crown is the best solution because it is a restoration that covers a tooth and restores your tooth's natural size and shape. Porcelain crowns also improve your tooth's appearance, as well as your entire smile. Here at Kremer Dental, we are happy to offer veneers and porcelain same-day-crowns! Ask how you can save 15% off your treatment with our VIP Health Membership program. Call today to make your reservation with us at 530-892-1234 or visit

Porcelain Veneers An In Depth Look At Cosmetic Dentistry Case Study | Reuben Sim
Porcelain Veneers An In Depth Look At Cosmetic Dentistry Case Study | Reuben Sim Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Rachel's porcelain veneers smile transformation. Our first in the series of case studies discussing real life smile designs from our amazing patients. Watch as Reuben takes you through this in depth look.

If you are considering a transformation in your smile and contemplating veneers than look no further.

#porcelainveneers #cosmeticdentistry #veneers

Here’s a recap of this video:
00:00 Porcelain Veneers An In Depth Look
00:32 Rachel's concerns with her teeth
02:56 The Steps In A Smile Design
05:40 Gum Lifting
08:06 The Process Of Veneers & Smile Design
10:38 Rachel's Porcelain Veneer Smile Design
14:18 Rachel's reveal

Dental Boutique is a dental practice for cosmetic dentistry, total teeth replacement and anxious patients. We inspire and empower people to overcome their fears to achieve dental health and smile they deserve.

Any medical or dental procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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Solutions Ahead Cosmetic Dentistry procedures costs |  seg 1
Solutions Ahead Cosmetic Dentistry procedures costs | seg 1 Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

What is cosmetic dentistry? In this episode of Solutions Ahead we answer all your solutions for whiter teeth, choices for cosmetic dental work and all the cosmetic dentistry procedures available.
Tips and advice on how to improve your smile and other cosmetic dental services.
#cosmeticdentistry #Cosmetic #dentist

Austin Cosmetic Dentist | Porcelain Veneers - Perfecting the Look of Veneers
Austin Cosmetic Dentist | Porcelain Veneers - Perfecting the Look of Veneers Play 3 Views • 4 years ago - Dr. Ueckert works with every patient to ensure their desired aesthetic is achieved for each set of porcelain veneers. This cosmetic treatment is very subjective and Dr. Ueckert's approach to accomplishing the ideal results is critical.

Porcelain veneers are rapid, aesthetic and safe way to correct unattractive front teeth. They are thin, strong, custom-made porcelain restorations, which are bonded to the tooth structure. The result is a restoration that mimics natural, beautiful teeth. Since the artistic fabrication of Veneers contributes greatly to the final result, we are proud to work only with the most highly skilled and artistic ceramists.

Porcelain was named after its resemblance to the white, shiny Venus-shell, called in Old Italian "porcella." The curved shape of the upper surface of the Venus-shell resembles the curve of a pig's back (from the Latin porcella -- a little pig). Properties associated with porcelain are high strength, hardness, glassiness, high durability, translucence and high resistance to chemical attack.

Dental porcelain is a type used by dental technicians to create bio-compatible life-like crowns and bridges for dentistry. As you will note from the cases shown, dental porcelains in the right hands can make for spectacular tooth imitations by mimicking tooth enamel perfectly. This is also a testament to the artistic skill of the laboratory technicians with whom the dentist partners in producing life-like precision veneers to create your enhanced smile. The dentist will usually specify a shade of porcelain, corresponding to a set of mixtures of porcelain powder used in the laboratory. The powder corresponding to the basic tooth color is mixed with water, and then placed in an oven for "firing." Further layers of porcelain are built up to mimic the natural translucency of the enamel of the tooth.

A laminate is a material constructed by uniting two or more layers of material together in a process called lamination (in common parlance, lamination refers to sandwiching an object or material between layers of plastic and sealing them with heat and/or pressure, usually with an adhesive). The laminate structure refers to the combination of tooth, bonding interface and veneer complex. The veneer shell replacing the removed tooth enamel is chemically bonded to the underlying tooth surface with which it becomes part.

Aesthetic Concepts: Size of Anterior Teeth - Dental Minute with Steven T. Cutbirth, DDS
Aesthetic Concepts: Size of Anterior Teeth - Dental Minute with Steven T. Cutbirth, DDS Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

CLICK HERE NOW to find out how to take your practice to the highest level of technique and productivity by joining Dr. Cutbirth’s:

In this Dental Minute video, Dr. Cutbirth discusses the ideal size of anterior teeth and other important aesthetic concepts.

To see this complete comprehensive cases, visit

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Dr. Cutbirth is the Founding Director of the Center for Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry (CARD) ( and maintains a full-time restorative and cosmetic practice (

Inside a long Covid clinic: ’I look normal, but my body is breaking down’
Inside a long Covid clinic: ’I look normal, but my body is breaking down’ Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

The Guardian has had unique access to University College London hospital's long Covid clinic where patients are treated for a multitude of different chronic symptoms ranging from ongoing fatigue to issues with taste and smell. Some patients have been suffering for months, and the toll on their mental and physical health has been significant. It’s been a year since the first UK lockdown and the NHS has warned it may have to treat a million patients for a condition we now know as long Covid 

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Nicola Di Bari |  Le mie più belle canzoni  italiane | Il meglio | Best of | Los grandes éxitos
Nicola Di Bari | Le mie più belle canzoni italiane | Il meglio | Best of | Los grandes éxitos Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

Nicola di Bari - Le mie più belle canzoni
Ascolta qui | Digital distribution:
Anno: 1996
Etichetta: Joker
Numero Catalogo: 22065 CD
1. Il cuore è uno zingaro (00:00:00)
2. Il mondo è grigio, il mondo è blu (00:03:39)
3. La prima cosa bella (00:06:34)
4. Chitarra suona più piano (00:09:51)
5. Eternamente (00:13:28)
6. Ti fa bella l'amore (00:15:38)
7. Paese (00:19:25)
8. Una ragazzina come te (00:23:20)
9. Vagabondo (00:27:10)
10. Zapponeta (00:30:24)
11. Un uomo molte cose non le sa (00:33:25)
12. Se mai ti parlassero di me (00:37:20)
13. Sai che bevo, sai che fumo (00:40:21)
14. Qualche cosa di più (00:44:09)
15. I giorni dell'arcobaleno (00:47:52)
16. Agnese (00:51:04)
(P)2019 Saar s.r.l.

#saarrecords #anni60 #anni70

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