


Humorista Paulo Gustavo piora e é intubado com covid
Humorista Paulo Gustavo piora e é intubado com covid Play 111 Views • 4 years ago

Piorou o quadro clínico do humorista Paulo Gustavo, internado há seis dias com covid. Ele teve que ser intubado.

? [Trực Tiếp] THỜI SỰ VTV1 ngày 23/3 | Tin tức dịch COVID-19, Thời sự mới nhất hôm nay | VTV TSTC
? [Trực Tiếp] THỜI SỰ VTV1 ngày 23/3 | Tin tức dịch COVID-19, Thời sự mới nhất hôm nay | VTV TSTC Play 131 Views • 4 years ago

🔴 [Trực Tiếp] THỜI SỰ VTV1 ngày 23/3 | Tin tức dịch COVID-19, Thời sự mới nhất hôm nay | VTV TSTC

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COVID-19: Several German states demand April lockdown extension | DW News
COVID-19: Several German states demand April lockdown extension | DW News Play 193 Views • 4 years ago

Several states are seeking to extend COVID-19 restrictions into April as Germany battles a third wave of the coronavirus, according to a draft plan obtained by news agencies on Sunday. Top officials are set to discuss the shutdowns on Monday.

The proposal comes as the coronavirus incidence rate crossed the critical mark of 100 cases per 100,000 people. The government had previously announced that this would be enough to trigger new curbs.

The draft document, seen by the DPA and AFP news agencies, cited the high infection rate, which is being "accelerated by COVID-19 variants."

Europe's biggest economy had begun easing restrictions before the latest wave of infections. The authorities reopened schools in late February, and some shops were allowed to resume business earlier this month.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a news conference on Friday that Germany should not hesitate to go into lockdown again if necessary.

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#Merkel #lockdown #COVID-19

DNA: आज ही लगाया गया था Janata Curfew | COVID-19 | Coronavirus |Janata Curfew Anniversary Hindi News
DNA: आज ही लगाया गया था Janata Curfew | COVID-19 | Coronavirus |Janata Curfew Anniversary Hindi News Play 63 Views • 4 years ago

On 19 March 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced to the people of the nation to observe the 'Janata Curfew' from 7 AM to 9 PM on March 22, 2020, in view of the growing COVID-19 infection in the country. The Janata curfew was seen as a way to prepare Indian citizens for lockdown.

19 मार्च, 2020 को, प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने देश में बढ़ते COVID-19 संक्रमण के मद्देनजर राष्ट्र के लोगों से 22 मार्च, 2020 को सुबह 7 से शाम 9 बजे तक 'जनता कर्फ्यू' का पालन करने का ऐलान किया था। जनता कर्फ्यू को भारतीय नागरिकों को लॉकडाउन के लिए तैयार करने के तरीके के रूप में देखा गया था।

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Emergency curfew in Miami Beach over spring break Covid risk - BBC News
Emergency curfew in Miami Beach over spring break Covid risk - BBC News Play 63 Views • 4 years ago

A state of emergency has been declared in the US city of Miami Beach, Florida over concerns large crowds gathering for spring break pose a coronavirus risk.

A 8pm-6am curfew has been announced in the island city that will remain in effect until at least 12 April.

Traffic restrictions are in place during the curfew, while businesses in the busy South Beach area must close.

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Covid: Boris Johnson warns UK to expect Europe's third wave to 'wash up on our shores'
Covid: Boris Johnson warns UK to expect Europe's third wave to 'wash up on our shores' Play 48 Views • 4 years ago

The Prime Minister has warned a fresh wave of Covid infections sweeping through Europe will hit the UK "in due course".

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PM warns of third COVID-19 wave
PM warns of third COVID-19 wave Play 51 Views • 4 years ago

Boris Johnson has warned that a third COVID wave hitting Europe will also affect the UK at some point.

France and Germany have been put into lockdown amid surging COVID-19 cases.

The Prime Minister said: 'People in this country should be under no illusions that previous experience has taught us that when a wave hits our friends, I'm afraid it washes up on our shores as well.'

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COVID-19: Germany imposes strict lockdown over Easter | DW News
COVID-19: Germany imposes strict lockdown over Easter | DW News Play 129 Views • 4 years ago

Germany is extending the current lockdown through to April 18, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Tuesday. The country will enter an even stricter lockdown from April 1 to April 5, over the Easter holiday period when shops, including grocery stores, will largely have to close. Merkel warned that Germany needed to "break the exponential growth of the third wave." Case numbers have reached levels that authorities say will overburden intensive care units.

Tuesday's announcement marks a reversal from earlier this month when state leaders agreed to begin a cautious reopening process.

Talks between leaders of Germany's 16 federal states and Merkel lasted until the early hours of the morning following a lengthy interruption.

What are the new measures?
As well as prolonging existing measures such as the closure of cultural, leisure and sporting facilities, tougher restrictions will apply over the Easter period.

- Churches will be asked to hold services marking the Christian festival online.
- No more than five adults from two households will be able to meet over the five-day period.
- Testing and vaccination centers can remain open.
- Public gatherings will be prohibited.
- Almost all shops will be shut during the five days. Only grocery stores may open on Saturday, April 3.
- Anyone from Germany holidaying abroad will have to be tested before boarding a flight back to Germany.
- The "emergency brake" will halt further reopenings and will apply to areas exceeding 100 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants over a seven-day period.

If an area has an incidence rate of over 100 for three consecutive days, harsher lockdown measures will once again apply.

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Miami Beach Spring Breakers Could Take COVID-19 Home, Doctor Says | TODAY
Miami Beach Spring Breakers Could Take COVID-19 Home, Doctor Says | TODAY Play 13 Views • 4 years ago

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health, tells TODAY that a U.S. trial showing the AstraZeneca vaccine to be 79 percent effective is significant because “this is our best ticket toward vaccinating the world.” He warns that massive spring break crowds in Miami Beach could take COVID-19 home and “infect vulnerable people who have not yet been vaccinated.”
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#SpringBreakers #COVID #TodayShow

Miami Beach Spring Breakers Could Take COVID-19 Home, Doctor Says | TODAY

COVID Crisis: Lockdown one year on
COVID Crisis: Lockdown one year on Play 7 Views • 4 years ago

One year since UK first went into COVID lockdown, we look back at what's happened in the past 12 month.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the year has been one of the most difficult times in the country's history. He has called for 'a day of reflection', marked by a minute's silence, along with candles on doorsteps

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15 States Report Uptick In COVID-19 Cases As TSA Sees Biggest Travel Day Of Pandemic | Sunday TODAY
15 States Report Uptick In COVID-19 Cases As TSA Sees Biggest Travel Day Of Pandemic | Sunday TODAY Play 4 Views • 4 years ago

In 15 states and Washington, D.C., COVID-19 cases are on the rise as much of the rest of the country is plateauing. The Transportation Security Administration saw nearly 1.5 million travelers on Friday, more than any other time during the pandemic. NBC’s Steve Patterson reports for Sunday TODAY.
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#Coronavirus #SundayTODAY

15 States Report Uptick In COVID-19 Cases As TSA Sees Biggest Travel Day Of Pandemic | Sunday TODAY

Boris Johnson says UK will not escape third wave of Covid pandemic - BBC News
Boris Johnson says UK will not escape third wave of Covid pandemic - BBC News Play 7 Views • 4 years ago

The United Kingdom will not escape the effects of a third-wave of the pandemic, given the sharp rise in Covid cases in parts of the European Union.

That's the warning from the prime minister Boris Johnson, who said people should be “under no illusion” about the dangers.

One minister also warned that the UK might put “all our European neighbours” on the red list of countries from which all arrivals are either banned or travellers are put in quarantine hotels.

Meanwhile the row between the UK and the EU over vaccine supplies has intensified, with a threat that the EU could block doses of vaccines manufactured in the EU from being exported to the UK.

Huw Edwards presents BBC News at Ten reporting by political editor Laura Kuenssberg, Europe editor Katya Adler and medical editor Fergus Walsh.

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If the COVID-19 Vaccines Interviewed for a Job
If the COVID-19 Vaccines Interviewed for a Job Play 15 Views • 4 years ago

Late Night writer Jeff Wright illustrates the pros and cons of each coronavirus vaccine in development.

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If the COVID-19 Vaccines Interviewed for a Job- Late Night with Seth Meyers

Late Night with Seth Meyers

Texas Roadhouse Founder Takes His Life After Battling COVID-19 | TODAY
Texas Roadhouse Founder Takes His Life After Battling COVID-19 | TODAY Play 8 Views • 4 years ago

The founder and CEO of the popular Texas Roadhouse restaurant chain, Kent Taylor, has died following after battling COVID-19 and other health issues. His family says he died by suicide late last week. NBC’s Tom Costello joins TODAY with a look back at Taylor's life and legacy.
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#KentTaylor #COVID #TodayShow

Texas Roadhouse Founder Takes His Life After Battling COVID-19 | TODAY

How Risky Is the Classroom With Covid-19 Controls in Place? | WSJ
How Risky Is the Classroom With Covid-19 Controls in Place? | WSJ Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

A year into the coronavirus pandemic, many schools are only partially open for fear they could fuel the spread of the virus. Experts explain what the actual risks are for spreading Covid-19 in schools and how proper controls can change that equation. Illustration: Preston Jessee for The Wall Street Journal

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#WSJ #Reopening

IndiaTV LIVE: Maha Extortion Case | Assembly Elections 2021 | COVID Second Wave | Hindi News LIVE
IndiaTV LIVE: Maha Extortion Case | Assembly Elections 2021 | COVID Second Wave | Hindi News LIVE Play 5 Views • 4 years ago

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COVID-19: तेज रफ्तार से लौट रहा है कोरोना | Coronavirus News | Lockdown | Covid19 | Latest Update
COVID-19: तेज रफ्तार से लौट रहा है कोरोना | Coronavirus News | Lockdown | Covid19 | Latest Update Play 1 Views • 4 years ago

COVID-19: Corona is returning at a very fast pace
Corona cases continued to grow very radically. Negligence from the people is being considered as one of the biggest reason behind this.

COVID-19: तेज रफ्तार से लौट रहा है कोरोना
कोरोना के मामले बेहद तेजी से बढ़ते जा रहे. लोगों की तरफ से की जा रही लापरवाही इसके पीछे की एक वजह मानी जा रही है.

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Inside a long Covid clinic: ’I look normal, but my body is breaking down’
Inside a long Covid clinic: ’I look normal, but my body is breaking down’ Play 3 Views • 4 years ago

The Guardian has had unique access to University College London hospital's long Covid clinic where patients are treated for a multitude of different chronic symptoms ranging from ongoing fatigue to issues with taste and smell. Some patients have been suffering for months, and the toll on their mental and physical health has been significant. It’s been a year since the first UK lockdown and the NHS has warned it may have to treat a million patients for a condition we now know as long Covid 

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Covid: UK marks one year since the first lockdown @BBC News live ? BBC
Covid: UK marks one year since the first lockdown @BBC News live ? BBC Play 5 Views • 4 years ago

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It's Tuesday 23 March 2021. Our top stories this morning 0:00

The UK is marking one year since the first coronavirus lockdown was announced.

On 23 March 2020 Boris Johnson outlined measures to stop the spread of Covid-19. Since then, the UK's official death toll has risen from 364 to 126,172.

With the lockdown have come tough restrictions on socialising, closures of schools, pubs and shops with many rules currently still in place.

A minute's silence will be held at midday as part of a day of reflection.

A year on, Mr Johnson has praised the "great spirit" shown since that moment and he offered his condolences to those who have been bereaved during the pandemic.

People are also being encouraged to stand on their doorsteps at 20:00 GMT with phones, candles and torches to signify a "beacon of remembrance".

It is being organised by end-of-life charity Marie Curie.

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live video obbip
live video obbip Obbit 10 Views • 4 years ago

Producción de Cafe En Brasil y Colombia dos Realidades Distintas - TvAgro por Juan Gonzalo Angel
Producción de Cafe En Brasil y Colombia dos Realidades Distintas - TvAgro por Juan Gonzalo Angel Play 34 Views • 4 years ago

Twitter @juangangel
En este programa hablaremos de uno de los productos básicos más importantes a nivel de exportación y consumo en el mundo, y es El Café. Desde Brasil Geraldo Aloise y Desde Colombia Giovanny y Guillermo Lozano, nos cuentan lo que representa la producción de Café en el mundo a nivel económico y social.
El café es la bebida que se obtiene a partir de los granos tostados y molidos de los frutos de la planta del café (cafeto); es altamente estimulante por su contenido de cafeína,1​ una sustancia psicoactiva. Este producto es uno de los más comercializados del mundo y una de las tres bebidas1​ más consumidas del mundo (junto con el agua y el té). Suele tomarse durante el desayuno, después de éste o incluso como único desayuno, aunque también se suele tomar en la merienda, o después del almuerzo o cena para entablar conversaciones o solo por costumbre. Es una de las bebidas sin alcohol más socializadoras en muchos países. El gusto por el café no es espontáneo, sino que debe cultivarse, puesto que su sabor es fuerte y amargo.

Juan Gonzalo Angel Restrepo

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