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Liliana Uribe. Ejecuciones extrajudiciales e impunidad en Colombia <br />Entrevista <br />Lunes, 26 de Mayo de 2008 <br />Invitada por Paz con Dignidad, esta abogada y activista de derechos humanos nos habla de la violencia de estado y de la censura mediática en Colombia.

Ejecuciones de manifestantes en Irán: ¿Qué pasa con el debido proceso? El debate en ángulo con el activista por los derechos humanos en medio oriente, Hasibullah Habib, el experto en civilización y geopolítica del mundo árabe-musulmán, Sheikh Lyes Marzougui y el catedrático, investigador y experto en medio oriente, Pablo Begnini.

Las ejecuciones extrajudiciales en Colombia, conocidas como los falsos positivos, habrían continuado durante el año pasado, así lo reveló en Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular. teleSUR

Estudiantes, campesinos, activistas de distintos sectores se manifestaron en Filipinas para protestar por la violación a los Derechos Humanos en ese país, en el aniversario de la Declaración de la ONU. Denunciaron el aumento de las ejecuciones extrajudiciales. teleSUR

Hamás mata a 18 palestinos a los que acusa de colaborar con Israel.<br /><br />Once de los presuntos colaboracionistas fueron ejecutados a tiros en una comisaría, mientras que otros siete fueron ajusticiados en público, en plena calle, por hombres encapuchados delante de la mezquita Al Omari.<br /><br />Estas ejecuciones tienen lugar un día después de la ofensiva israelí contra tres comandantes del brazo armado de Hamás.<br /><br />“Eran espías, dice este hombre residente en Gaza llamado Mahmoud al-Ruz. Colaboraron con los judíos que no sabían donde se encontraba la resistencia, ni lo hubieran averiguado sin su ayuda.”<br /><br />En las últimas 24 horas, han muerto al menos 38 palestinos en bombardeos de la aviación israelí sobre Gaza. Cuatro de ellos fallecieron en dos ataques contra el centro de Gaza y otros dos en un bombardeo sobre el campo de refugiados de Nusairat.<br /><br />Decenas de cohetes fueron lanzados desde la Franja de Gaza. Uno de ellos alcanzó la sinagoga de la ciudad de Ashdod, causando tres heridos.<br /><br />Según Tel Aviv, un niño israelí de cuatro años murió en el sur del país al caer un mortero lanzado por las milicias palestinas.<br /><br />Es el primer menor israelí que pierde la vida en los 41 días que dura el conflicto.

El Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos con sede en Londres denunció ejecuciones cometidas por parte del ejército sirio el domingo en Damasco. En tanto, Estados Unidos advirtió a Siria que ni siquiera piense en usar sus armas químicas, luego de que el régimen de Bashar Al Asad amenazara con recurrir a ellas en caso de una intervención militar extranjera en el país.ADVERTENCIA: SE MUESTRAN IMÁGENES DE CADÁVERES

Motorized paragliders are typically seen for recreation and thrill-seeking adventure. For one California paraglider, it's a joyful pastime but Palestinian militant group Hamas had other ideas. Hamas used paragliders as a low-tech way to evade Israel's air defenses in the shocking cross-border attack. It's believed to be the first time paragliders have been used as an instrument of war. Inside Edition's Jim Moret has more.

Music-lovers travelled to the desert in southern Israel to attend the Supernova festival.
But soon the party turned to tragedy with footage emerging of people fleeing bullets and harrowing details being heard.
More than 260 bodies have reportedly been recovered from the site, according to rescue agency Zaka.
BBC's World Affairs Correspondent Caroline Hawley explains.
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The Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million people, has been placed under a total siege by Israel, with suggestions a ground offensive against Hamas militants could soon follow.
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The violent conflict between Israel and Hamas is now in its third day.
Hamas announced it's open to discussions over a possible truce with Israel, as Israeli air strikes continue across Gaza.
Rocket attacks on Israel are ongoing — from militants inside Gaza, and also from Lebanon. The escalation was triggered by a surprise attack on Israel by Hamas on Saturday, resulting in the country's deadliest day in five decades.
More than 900 people have been killed in Israel, according to Israeli media, while Palestinian authorities say nearly 700 have died on their side.
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इजरायल (Israel) की सेना अपने सैकड़ों लोगों की मौत का बदला लेने के लिए हमास को नक्शे से मिटा देने पर आमादा नजर आ रही है. इसीलिए इजरायली सेना एक के बाद एक हवाई हमले करके हमास (Hamas) के ठिकानों को निशाना बना रही है. इसके अलावा इजरायल का जोर उन लोगों को छुड़ाने पर भी है जिन्हें हमास ने बंधक बना लिया है. इजरायल की सेना गाजा बॉर्डर पर फिलिस्तीनियों पर कहर बनकर टूट रही है. इसी बीच ईरान ने इजरायल को धमकी दी है. ईरान का कहना है कि अगर उनके देश पर हमला हुआ तो लेबनान, यमन और इराक से इजरायल पर हमले होंगे, साथ ही सीरिया से लड़ाके भी भेजे जाएंगे.
The Israeli army seems intent on wiping out Hamas from the map to avenge the death of hundreds of its people. That is why the Israeli army is targeting Hamas positions by carrying out air strikes one after the other. Apart from this, Israel's emphasis is also on freeing those people who have been taken hostage by Hamas. The Israeli army is wreaking havoc on the Palestinians on the Gaza border. Meanwhile, Iran has threatened Israel. Iran says that if their country is attacked, Israel will be attacked from Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, and fighters will also be sent from Syria.
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Missiles were launched at northern Israel from both Lebanon and Syria on Tuesday, with the Israeli military shelling posts in both nations in response, as fighting continued in southern Israel in the wake of a major attack launched by the Palestinian Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip.
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Military helicopters and vehicles have been seen on the move in Southern Israel on the fourth day of the war. (October 10)
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The Israeli military has issued statements saying there have been exchanges of gunfire between its armed forces and Hamas fighters in two kibbutzim near Gaza.
Four Hamas fighters have been killed as a result, they say.
We have also been told by the Israeli military that there was an exchange of gunfire in the industrial area of Ashkelon, in which three Hamas fighters were killed.
Meanwhile, massive Israeli military buildup continues along Gaza's border.
Al Jazeera’s Mohamed Jamjoom reports from Ashdod in southern Israel.
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Hamas encircled and fired guns at Israeli festival attendees on Saturday at dawn, and kidnapped those who didn't manage to escape.
#Israel #Gaza #Hamas
Israeli festival goers could be seen dancing in the desert at dawn on Saturday, completely unaware that within minutes members of the Hamas militant group were about to descend from the skies and inflict terror.
The revelers had gathered for an all-night trance music rave near Kibbutz Re'im, close to the Gaza Strip, to celebrate the end of the Sukkot religious holiday.
They appeared to be oblivious to the impending terror floating hundreds of feet above their heads in the distance in footage posted to TikTok.
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Israel-Hamas War LIVE : Israeli Military To Launch Special Ground Operation, Tanks Roll In. The conflict between Israel, Palestine entered day 6 and there are no signs of ceasefire. IDF carried out a night of airstrikes across the Gaza Strip, targeting Hamas' elite fighting unit Nokhba. The Israeli military attacked several operational headquarters from which Hamas organized the terrorist encroachment into Israel.
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Iron Dome, Israel's missile defense system, intercepted Gaza rockets headed for populated areas on Tuesday. (Oct. 10)
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