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New footage shows Russian tanks being ambushed near Brovary on the outskirts of Ukrainian capital Kyiv.
Ukrainian forces said 72 brigades and the Azov regiment had been involved.
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#Ukraine #Russia #Kyiv
Ukraine on Wednesday accused Russia of risking nuclear catastrophe after vowing to defend Europeans largest atomic plant in Energodar.
Defenders are building barricades of trucks and protesting close to the plant to stop the advance of Russian troops.
Russia claimed on Tuesday to be in control of the area but this is disputed by the Ukrainian side.
Ukraine government official Anton Gerashchenko warned: “Because of Putin's madness, Europe is again on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe.’
He said “the city where the largest nuclear power plant in Europe is located is preparing for a battle with the invaders.
“The nuclear power plant is guarded by the heroes of the National Guard of Ukraine. They won't give up! There will be a fight. Shells will fire next to the nuclear power plant.
“They will not be able to break through the concrete shell of the reactor, but they will definitely damage transformers, turbines and other equipment necessary for the safety of the nuclear power plant.
“An accident can happen like at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Russian generals - think again!”
He called on them: “Don't create conditions for a new Chernobyl. Radiation does not know nationalities, one does not spare anyone!”
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- Putin chce osłabienia Ukrainy, doprowadzenia jej do stanu państwa upadłego, w którym tego typu argumenty, w jakich myśli on o Ukrainie, będą się mogły urzeczywistnić pod postacią projektów politycznych - mówił w Polskim Radiu 24 Michał Kacewicz (Biełsat TV).
W poniedziałek prezydent Rosji Władimir Putin podpisał dekret o uznaniu niepodległości tzw. Donieckiej (DRL) i Ługańskiej (ŁGR) Republiki Ludowej, powołanych przez prorosyjskich separatystów na zajmowanych przez nich terenach ukraińskiego Donbasu. Zdecydował też o wysłaniu na ich terytorium rosyjskich wojsk. We wtorek decyzja została ratyfikowana przez rosyjski parlament. Władze w Kijowie i państwa Zachodu zgodnie potępiły tę decyzję, uznając ją za naruszenie suwerenności i integralności terytorialnej Ukrainy.
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Russian military forces have been surprised again and again by the resilience of the Ukrainian army. Lieutenant General Russel Honoré joins Katie Phang to discuss how morale amongst Russian soldiers will affect the ongoing conflict.
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Russian forces launch a full-scale assault on Ukraine, with its military attacking the country from the north, east and south
Russian 🇷🇺 military helicopters KA-52 alligator Mi-8 Ukranie Oekraïne
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Russian President Vladimir Putin launches Ukraine invasion.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declares martial law.
He also calls on citizens to fight, says weapons will be issued to everyone who wants them and claims Ukraine will “win”.
Several Ukrainian civilians reportedly killed.
Ukraine’s military says about 50 Russian forces have been killed and six warplanes destroyed in fighting.
Western powers condemn Moscow’s move.
Crisis escalated after Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine requested Moscow’s assistance.
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine early Thursday.
Ukraine's Interior Ministry said Russia's "invasion has begun," with reports of troops crossing the border from multiple directions, and explosions in multiple cities including the capital Kyiv.
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky introduced martial law across the country on Thursday, urging citizens to remain calm. Earlier, he said he had tried to call Putin on Wednesday but was unsuccessful.
Our live coverage has moved. Head here for the latest updates on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
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Attempts to evacuate civilians from the besieged port city of Mariupol in southern Ukraine fell through on Sunday as Moscow and Kyiv traded blame for ceasefire breaches. The war, now in its 12th day, has caused 1.5 million people to flee Ukraine.
Russia has declared a ceasefire in the areas of Kyiv, Mariupol, Kharkov, and Sumy in Ukraine from 10 am Moscow time (12.30 pm IST) to allow for evacuations.
Russia has told Ukraine it is ready to halt military operations "in a moment" if Kyiv meets a list of conditions, the Kremlin spokesman said on Monday.
It was the most explicit Russian statement so far of the terms it wants to impose on Ukraine to halt what it calls its "special military operation", now in its 12th day.
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No hubo pandemia que los detenga. Aunque la actividad comenzó hace algunos días, este viernes se dio el inicio oficial de la edición XXXII de los Juegos Olímpicos con la tradicional ceremonia inaugural.