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Dental Bonding VS Porcelain Veneers | An In Depth Look Reuben Sim

5 Views • 06/02/21
99,196 Subscribers

What is the difference between Dental Bonding and Porcelain Veneers? If you are looking into your cosmetic options and deciding between the two, then watch as Reuben takes you through this in depth look enabling you to make the right choice.

If you are considering a transformation in your smile and contemplating veneers than look no further.

#porcelainveneers #dentalbonding #veneers

Here’s a recap of this video:
00:00 Dental Bonding VS Porcelain Veneers
00:53 Smile Design Process
03:22 Similarities Between Dental Bonding and Porcelain Veneers
03:55 Do You Need To Trim Your Teeth
05:09 Dental Bonding or Composite Resin Veneers
08:26 Porcelain Veneers
13:50 What Is The Lifespan Of Veneers
15:45 Summarising Smile Design

Dental Boutique is a dental practice for cosmetic dentistry, total teeth replacement and anxious patients. We inspire and empower people to overcome their fears to achieve dental health and smile they deserve.

Call 1800 NO PAIN to book your consultation.

Any medical or dental procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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