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4 Views • 06/02/21
99,196 Subscribers


Hi everyone, I’m doctor Rodriguez and today I’m going to talk to you about the definition of cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry is any treatment performed to improve the harmony and overall appearance of your teeth and/or gums. These types of treatments usually produce quick results and consist on modifying the color, shape, position, size and alignment of your teeth.
These are some of the most common cosmetic dental procedures:
-Teeth Whitening
-Dental Bridges
-Fillings & Dental Implants.

So in simple terms cosmetic dentistry is a phenomenal way to improve your look and can be done for a very reasonable price.
I actually have a video on the cost of cosmetic treatments called “Is cosmetic dentistry expensive?” click the link above to find out more about the prices of cosmetic dentistry in Cartagena, Colombia.

Before getting a cosmetic dental treatment I want you to consider these 3 factors that are important keys to the success and longevity of your new smile:

# 1. Being able to properly communicate with your dentist: which means being able to clearly explain to your dentist what you want to change with your smile? This is why I have so many videos on my channel about each treatment, so you can be well informed.
# 2. Choosing the right Dentist: Creating your new smile requires high attention to details and the correct analysis of your facial features this is why an experienced cosmetic dentist who also is up to date on the latest materials and procedures will be your best choice.
# 3. Making a smart investment: Every procedure cost money, be intelligent and well informed and don’t pick a treatment option based solely on price. Long term options usually cost more but are less maintenance and short term options are usually less expensive but are more maintenance.

Now that you know how easily cosmetic dentistry can create you a beautiful smile, there's no excuse for you to keep hiding your teeth when you smile or laugh. I would love to help you get the beautiful smile you desire. Make sure you like this video and subscribe to my channel because I’m going to bring you guys many more informative videos to help you make a great decision about the dental treatments you desire.

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