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What the U.S. Could Learn From Uruguay’s Progressive Policies

13 Views • 09/22/20
99,197 Subscribers

Marriage equality, legalized cannabis, gender-affirming surgery. Uruguay is one of the most progressive places in the world, and it’s putting the U.S. to shame.

What can the most democratic country in Latin America teach the U.S.? In part two of our series, What the U.S. Can Learn, Dena Takruri explores how Uruguay became a civil rights giant.

00:00 - Intro
00:41 - How Uruguay established civil rights for everyone
2:04 - Separating church and state in a conservative region
3:58 - Uruguay vs. the U.S. on the democracy index
6:20 - Challenges ahead
8:17 - Lessons for the U.S.

#Uruguay #Democracy #CivilRights

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